Get data into your apps, maps, and GIS software with our APIs — no IT required.

Power your geospatial apps
With Koordinates APIs, you can build geospatial applications, without needing to maintain your own backend systems or enterprise GIS.
- Support for vector, raster, and grid formats.
- APIs are automatically created against every dataset imported into the Koordinates platform.

OGC Web Services
Koordinates supports the automatic creation of Open Geospatial Consortium-complaint Web Services.
- Supported web services include WMTS, WFS 1.x and WFS 2.x, WFS Changests, and CSW Catalogue Service.
- Learn more about OGC web services at Koordinates Help.

Streamlined data management
Automate updates and easily manage data imports from your existing systems.
- Support for Amazon S3, PostgreSQL and PostGIS, ArcGIS Rest API, WFS, simple drag-and-drop upload.
- Manage updates from your sources using Koordinates distributed version control.
Additional features of Koordinates APIs

Export API
The Export API allows you to create and download exports of data programmatically, saving you time and simplifying your workflows. You can customize your exports, including the reference system, format, and extent. Learn more at Koordinates Help.

Help documentation
Koordinates APIs and product features are fully documented at Koordinates Help, with guidance for your team, colleagues, and external collaborators. Read our docs.

Export API
The Export API allows you to create and download exports of data programmatically, saving you time and simplifying your workflows. You can customize your exports, including the reference system, format, and extent. Learn more at Koordinates Help.

Help documentation
Koordinates APIs and product features are fully documented at Koordinates Help, with guidance for your team, colleagues, and external collaborators. Read our docs.
More Features

Data Manager
Simplify your workflows, streamline updates, and save time getting data to colleagues, collaborators, and the public.Explore
Enterprise-grade security to keep your data safe and secureExplore