Find out more about Koordinates Features

Data Browser
Accelerate access to geospatial data for colleagues and collaborators with our intuitive data browser.Explore
Map Viewer
Visualise, query, and share your data in a dynamic map viewer.Explore
Data Manager
Simplify your workflows, streamline updates, and save time getting data to colleagues, collaborators, and the public.Explore
Get data into your apps, maps, and GIS software with our APIs — no IT required.Explore
Desktop App
Discover, clone, and collaborate on geospatial data from your desktop.Explore
Enterprise-grade security to keep your data safe and secureExplore
Secure Collaboration
Share data securely with your team, colleagues, and collaborators.Explore
Distributed Version Control
Manage edits and updates to your geospatial and tabular data — easily and securely.Explore